A tool called Barcode Scanner is an electronic device that is familiar in the business world. Especially for officers who receive a certain amount of money, namely the cashier.
The use of this device for cashiers has become an absolute must master. Can operate this tool to facilitate or speed up purchase transactions.
Know the Definition of Barcode Scanner
A code of letters and numbers consisting of a combination of lines or bars with varying spacing is called a barcode. This is a way to enter data into a computer.
Previously, when the cashier or operator entered sales manually using the item name or item code. The presence of a barcode is certainly very helpful in the work.
Descriptive data of an item is not in the barcode, but there is encryption of a number of digits. If the cashier performs a scan, the code will automatically be read and directly connected to the item data.
Contains data from various products, including vendor names, prices, product names, and other supporting data for barcode scanners. Regarding this the computer can not directly read the data in the bar code.
Therefore, previously someone had to capture and translate the code into a data format so that it could be read by the computer. The tool that can read and send to a computer is called a Barcode Reader or Barcode Scanner.
Consisting of a scanner, decoder, and a cable to connect the decoder to the computer, it is a barcode scanner device.
How Barcode Works and Functions
The working system of a barcode scanner is to take, scan symbols and convert bar codes into electrical data and send it to a computer in a simple data format.
Shaped like a handle containing a red laser is a form of barcode scanner (barcode reader). The laser in this tool is used to scan barcodes on the packaging of an item.
This tool is found in minimarkets or other stores to identify the products being sold and the buying and selling process becomes easier and faster.
Has a function to read the code in the form of lines or thick vertical boxes and then translated in the form of numbers as a barcode scanner.
Regarding a product or various items that have been labeled with a barcode, all information is stored. The barcode includes information about the product expiration date, production code, and product identity number.
In this day and age, supermarkets or supermarkets have used barcode technology to identify products or goods. Barcode scanners are thick and thin lines found on the product that must be interpreted.
The reason for using a barcode is to make it easier to identify the code. The work of the operators and cashiers becomes easier and faster because they don’t have to translate by reading the meaning of each line on the product one by one.
Has a definite information recording system that is made with a high level of precision and accuracy from the Barcode Scanner device. Thus, making it easier to process data input than conventional or manual methods.
The process of inputting data repeatedly does not require a lot of energy when compared to the traditional or old way. That way, this device is indeed suitable for helping with calculations in stores.
Types of Barcodes
Using a barcode scanner for store purposes certainly has a good effect on the performance of the cashier and operator to be faster. The barcode contained in the barcode makes consumers aware of the safety of the product.
Barcodes are not only for in-store purposes but can be used for other products or other purposes. Here are the types of barcodes that you need to know to be more clear:
1. Barcodes on Retail Products
Shopping centers have widely used barcodes for their products because they are very easy to use and more effective. The barcode scanner system was developed by Bernard Silver and Norman J. Woodland.
Using the Universal Price Code (UPC) system, it is commonly used for retail products in supermarkets. Barcodes are also currently widely used for various needs.
The use of barcodes for packaging using the ITF-14 type of barcode is an interleaved two of five barcode. Usually to mark products in large quantities in a cardboard box consisting of 14 numbers
2. Issuing Barcode
When buying books, magazines, novels, school books, children’s story books, picbooks, and so on in bookstores, you will find a code. Buyers will find International
Barcode scanners are codes that are also found in publications. The code is called the Standard Book Number (ISBN) or International Standard Serial Number or ISSN which is on the back of the book cover. .
3. Pharmacy Barcode
Pharmacies have used barcodes to be able to identify various drug products. The barcode that is commonly used is the Health Industry Bar Code (HIBC) with a “+” sign at the beginning of the code.
Furthermore, the code is accompanied by 24 characters consisting of a mixture of letters and numbers. Therefore, barcodes for pharmaceuticals are very helpful in identifying various drugs so that errors do not occur.
4. Non-Retail Barcodes
Marking library books and membership cards is a non-retail barcode scanner. Then, the company’s various inventory items.
Using the type of barcode with code 39 and 128. The difference is the level of density or data density. Code 128 has a higher density level than code 28.
The Difference Between a Barcode Scanner and a QR Code
Barcode scanners are devices that are widely used to sort various products by type, value, and price.
The QR code has a more modern appearance because it can store more data and is easy to read using a smart device.
Different Types of Barcode Scanner or Barcode Reader
Types of barcode readers have differences in terms of reading and encoding a barcode. Here are the differences between the types of barcode readers or scanners:
1. Barcode Wands or Pen Type Readers
In this type of barcode reader, there is a photodiode next to the tip of the pen. Then the code is shifted to all bars stably while reading. The code can also measure the intensity of light reflected from a light source.
Then, generate waves according to the width of the bars and spaces in the code. Sending waves to the decoder then translates and sends to a computer in a simple data format by a Barcode reader.
2. Laser Barcode Scanner L
The way it works is almost the same as the pen type, but it uses a laser beam as a light source, namely a laser barcode scanner that should not be abandoned. Both prismatic mirrors and alternating glass are used when scanning lasers that cross bar codes.
3. CCD Barcode Scanner
Using an array of light sensors on a barcode scanner with small shapes lined up parallel to the ends. The barcode is generated and sent to the computer in the form of a voltage. It is in the form of a wave according to the bar and space.
Barcode scanners are a CCD scanner, laser code scanners, and pen code scanners are CCDs that measure the shape of the light emitted from a bar code.
Measuring the reflected light at a certain frequency from the scanner itself is carried out by a pen or laser scanner code.
4. Camera Based Barcode Readers
Barcode Scanner is a small video camera based for capturing images to bar codes. Decode the bar code using digital image processing techniques.
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