This is in line with iReap mission to empowering small medium enterprises(SME’s) to managing their store more efficient. So that…
Author: Andy Djojo Budiman

E2E Commerce Indonesia 2018
On this Occasion, iREAP POS was participated at E2E Commerce indonesia 2018 on 17 October 2018 located at Balai Kartini…

Increase & Maintain Business Profits
When sales in your store are dropping sharply, and you have a lot of operational costs, you want to disappear…

Using Apps Point of Sale (POS)
PT Sterling Tulus Cemerlang participated in Gathering Kios Online with theme “Using Apps Point of Sale”. Followed by Aptiknas and…

Advancing Indonesia Retail Ecosystem VIA Digital Competitivenes
PT Sterling Tulus Cemerlang participated in the EXPO e2ecommerce Indonesia 2018 “Advancing Indonesia Retail Ecosystem VIA Digital Competitivenes”. Followed by…

Talkshow Nonstop Rekor Muri
PT. Sterling Tulus Cemerlang participated in the event 12 Hours Non-Stop Talkshow. Followed by 70 CEOs/ Founders/ CO-Founders, 7 Public…

Platform for SaaS Reviews Recognizes iReap with 2 POS Software Distinctions
The Great User Experience recognition for best POS software alternatives is given to software solutions that provide an especially pleasant…

Surabaya Seminar : 8 Tips Successful IT System Implementation
But based on your past experience implementing new system is never been an easy task. Never ending project, system does…

National Festival 2017
Sharing with friends at the 2017 National Festival, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Thank you for the opportunity given to…