7 Powerful Tips to Increase Sales of Clothing Stores


Powerful Tips to Increase Sales of Clothing Stores

How to increase sales in the store? One of them is by making customers satisfied shopping at your clothing store. In addition, there are several effective ways to increase sales and turnover of the fashion business. Check how in this article, come on.

7 Ways to Increase Sales and Make Clothing Store Turnover Skyrocket

1. Mix and Match Clothes Model

Mix and match your essential clothes according to the latest trends, especially when you display a collection of dresses in a store. For example, include a long skirt with a knit sweater for the office during the rainy season. If your customers are from the millennial generation, you can also follow the latest Korean clothing trends.

2. Provide Online Sales Service

Currently, people’s shopping style has begun to change. Those who previously shopped directly, they came to the store by shopping online. It would be best to take advantage of online sales opportunities that can reach a broader market, mainly if your store provides clothing sales with free shipping. The trick: open an online store in a marketplace like Shopee or Tokopedia.

Selling on Social Media 

3. Selling on Social Media

Utilizing social media is also essential for you to do because almost everyone has social media and is used to shopping online. Choose one or two social media that match the character of your customers, for example, Instagram or TikTok. Complete and constantly update the clothing product catalogue on social media. Use paid to promote (paid promotion on social media) to attract more new customers.

4. Build a Strong Brand Image

Have you ever heard of Kak Jill selling curtains or Mother Corla on TikTok? They have a powerful brand image that TikTok users widely know. This is an example of a strong brand image.

You can also build the brand image of your clothing store by creating value for your business, making the company trusted by customers, or creating a jingle/tagline that is easy for customers to remember. Remember, a strong brand image does not mean selling at the lowest price. Because this only makes you can experience losses.

5. Make Customers Satisfied

Business owners often forget the importance of managing customers, so they don’t always provide the best service. Satisfied customers can bring in more new customers because they will be happy to promote your store to others in their network of friends.

Good customer service also helps increase customer trust. Especially if you also always maintain product quality, create comfortable relationships with customers, and can meet customer needs.

Create Interesting Programs

6. Manage and Treat Loyal Customers with Attractive Programs

Then, make customers always visit and buy more clothes at your store and also make interesting programs. Such as discount promos and discounts for the next purchase, the member gets member, one product review post on social media to get discount vouchers, and so on.

Maintaining good relations with customers can also occasionally ask them how they are and invite them to chat (if customers come directly to your clothing store). As for online customers, you can send them exciting info about promotions while sending them discount vouchers, for example.

7. Using a Store Cashier Program that Facilitates Customer Service

The important thing you need to have to increase sales and turnover of a clothing store, as well as be able to provide the best service for customers, is to use the right store cashier program. One option is the store cashier program, for example, the iReap POS store cashier program.

Why do clothing store business owners need to use the iReap POS store checkout program? Here’s the reason:

  • You can manage your stock easily. You can monitor inventory more quickly so you don’t run out of items in demand.
  • Transaction recording is more practical, and you can print transaction receipts (print notes). Usually, customers will want proof of the transaction once they finish making a payment.
  • Easy the process of making financial reports. So every transaction recording that you make using the store cashier program will be automatically entered in the financial statement records.
  • Allows you to have a customer database and classify customers based on their loyalty to shopping at your store. Don’t forget to give gifts to your loyal customers, okay?

Of the seven powerful tips to increase sales of clothing stores above, which one have you done? If not, let’s immediately try the tips to increase sales above. To increase sales of your clothing store and bring in more customers, read these Tips for Using the Android Store Cashier Application.



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