Owning and creating a customer journey map allows you, as a business owner, to understand customers’ journeys, experiences, and behavior…
bisnis waralaba

7 Practical Food Franchises That Will Trend in a Pandemic Time
Public interest in food franchises is still high, even in the midst of the Covid-19 outbreak that has lasted for…

Want to Start a Beverage Franchise ??? Check out The Following Tips!
Along with food, the beverage franchise is expected to continue to grow in the next few years. Especially now that…

Recipe for Culinary Business Survival, Have a Strong Concept & Capital
Recently, there have been many variations of drinks made from tea on the market. One of them is Thai tea.…

KONTAN.CO.ID -JAKARTA. There are many ways for businesses to expand their business network. One of them is with a franchise…

7 Franchise Business Tips
Buying a franchise business, aka a franchise, is an option for people to start a business. However, the community must…