Login to your iREAP POS Pro Administrator Account
Go to menu Integration > Setup
Switch On the integration
Login to Jurnal Account
Go to windows integration confirmation
At your iREAP POS Pro Account home page, go to Integration > Jurnal > Configuration
Define the synchronization: On
Category Grouping Journal : Not Grouped / Grouped
Define the GL Determination (Path menu: Integration > Jurnal > Configuration)
Each Product Category
Click Lookup and choose the GL Account for each determination, click save configuration
You can use, for copying the GL Determination between Category
You can monitor transaction for iREAP POS Pro into Jurnal in menu Monitor and if there’s an error you can check it in menu Notification
If there’s an error or the transaction is failed interface to Jurnal id, then you can manually process the Interface by clicking (Click
to refresh)
Path menu : Integration > Jurnal > Monitor
You can check the error message in menu Notification (Click to refresh)
The integration from iREAP POS Pro Into Journal id is created Journal Entry for each transaction from iREAP POS Pro
For example:
iREAP POS : iREAP stand for Integrated Retail Application, is an application designed and developed to help you managed and run store operation, consists of Point of Sale / Cashier system and inventory control system.