3.06 r309 |
On Going
The menu attendance support android 6 and below version |
3.04 r307 |
Return transactions with price list for customer |
3.03 r306 |
6 October 2022
Request permission to ignore battery optimization to run multiple device server |
Sales transactions using the card payment method |
3.02 r305 |
1 October 2022
Printer Panda PRJ 80AT BT |
3.01 r304 |
Display sales mode landscape after adding in-app onboarding |
3.00 r303 |
19 September 2022
Performance improvements on apps |
2.99 r302 |
24 August 2022
Performance improvements on apps |
2.95 r298 |
23 June 2022
Simplify the registration process |
2.94 r297 |
24 May 2022
Synchronizing stock list |
2.93 r296 |
18 May 2022
The customer journey for the first time using |
2.92 r295 |
10 May 2022
Information on how to get the activation token store |
2.91 r294 |
21 March 2022
Goods receipt transaction with stock list |
2.88 r291 |
16 March 2022
Support payment method type QRIS (Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard) |
Other Printer 58 mm Bluetooth |
Other Printer 80 mm Bluetooth |
2.86 r289 |
10 February 2022
Display the gross amount under certain conditions on the receipt. |
2.84 r287 |
3 January 2022
Memory usage information |
Give the option not to display items with deleted status on master data |
Sort on-screen report sales by customer |
Information on using the stocklist on goods receipt |
Sync inventory |
2.83 r286 |
8 November 2021
Authorization for menu cash/bank and expense |
Filter search customer and supplier by ID Number (ID No) |
2.81 r284 |
21 October 2021
Option to share document sales and transfer out in pdf format for A4 size |
Print sales summary |
Supplier selection in daily goods issue and daily goods receipt reports |
Choice of document cash / bank & expense cancellation date |
2.79 r282 |
22 September 2021
Report goods issue |
A process that synchronizes on transfer out is better |
Feature a cancellation cash/bank |
2.78 r281 |
30 August 2021
Report goods issue |
2.77 r280 |
27 July 2021
Choose a price type where product is not included in the price list line |
2.76 r279 |
Feature a discount quantity in multiple devices |
2.75 r278 |
12 July 2021
Improve Inventory Transaction type sales/return |
2.73 r276 |
28 June 2021
Report component consumption |
Printer BellaV Z58 Bluetooth |
Printer BellaV Z80 Bluetooth |
Synchronizing inventory record and inventory balance message |
Video "3 Quick Steps to Start Selling in 2 Minutes" |
2.72 r275 |
8 June 2021
Attendance function |
2.71 r274 |
25 May 2021
Discount quantity in return sales |
Remove CIMB Niaga extension |
2.70 r273 |
27 April 2021
Improve importing file |
2.69 r272 |
9 April 2021
Wholesale price calculation when quantity changes |
2.68 r271 |
8 April 2021
Screen payment cash |
2.67 r270 |
Guide for the first user |
2.66 r269 |
5 April 2021
Feature a discount quantity |
2.65 r268 |
23 March 2021
Printer Panda PRJ-R80B Bluetooth |
Options without deleted products on the report screen |
Show the total cost on the sales screen mode landscape |
The login button is not visible when entering the Userid or password on the login screen |
The message that appears when a negative block of stock |
2.64 r267 |
19 January 2021
Layout on the small screen login page |
2.63 r266 |
Dialog buy IReap subscription voucher via Google Play Store |
Report daily sales bar chart and profit chart |
2.62 r265 |
5 January 2021
Printer Epson not recognized |
2.61 r264 |
4 January 2021
Feature a cancellation expense |
The last purchase price information on the transaction a goods receipt |
How-to printer setting on the setting and parameters screen |
Information on the number of transactions for the last 30 days by a customer or a supplier |
Customer or supplier filter by phone |
2.59 r262 |
15 December 2020
Improve guide for the first user |
Validation to save goods receipt with stock list |
2.57 r260 |
24 November 2020
Option to print a user (cashier) on receipt |
Improve subscription features |
Improve attendance features |
2.56 r259 |
9 November 2020
Report Attendance |
Improve broadcast message |
The expense feature authorization |
The attendance feature is forced online |
2.55 r258 |
22 October 2020
The cost value of the product set not recorded when making sales transactions on multi-devices (iReap Helper) |
2.54 r257 |
16 October 2020
Attendance feature |
2.53 r256 |
6 October 2020
Attendance feature |
Report sales summary by product |
Report sales summary by product by team |
Capture the barcode from the camera device in screen sales |
2.52 r254 |
21 September 2020
Default country based on the store country when creating new customers/suppliers in the application |
Article synchronization function improvement for the first synchronization |
DB Fix function improvement |
The time synchronization function improvement |
2.50 r252 |
9 September 2020
Printer Epson TM-U220 Type D |
Printer Panda PRJ-58B Bluetooth |
Printer Panda PRJ-58D Bluetooth |
Printer Gowel 745 Bluetooth |
2.49 r251 |
1 September 2020
Edit Expense Category and Cash / Bank |
2.46 r248 |
24 August 2020
Menu Expense |
Quantity Pop Up option in screen Setting and Parameters to show quantity pop up after choose item in sales/return |
Remove Tax Rate in screen Setting and Parameters |
In the Goods Receipt, Goods Issue, Stock Request, and Stock Transfer document share, there is an option to be in the form of text or pdf |
2.44 r247 |
5 August 2020
On the inventory report screen, only displays products/items that are not non-stock |
The sales team selection only displays the team/users that have assigned to the store, and the status is still active |
2.42 r246 |
23 July 2020
Screen report transaction after replacing the device or clearing data |
2.41 r245 |
20 July 2020
Print sales on Epson printer after adding optional reprint sales with or without price information |
2.40 r244 |
13 July 2020
Optional reprint sales with or without price information |
Display supplier information on the goods receipts and goods issue screen |
Display UoM Information on printed the goods receipts and goods issue |
Sort customers by name without seeing capitals |
2.38 r242 |
Give a warning when making a transaction in the future |
Enter the credit sales due date |
Help button about the purchase price / cost information on the item screen |
Improvements to the pdf share footer section |
2.37 r241 |
29 May 2020
Pay Method Type Credit-Sales in mode landscape |
2.35 r239 |
26 May 2020
Integration with iReap Invoice Application |
Pay Method Type Credit-Sales |
2.34 r238 |
11 May 2020
In sales transactions, components of product sets that have been removed are still checked in the negative stock keeper |
2.33 r237 |
4 May 2020
On the sales return screen, you can select a customer |
In the sales document share, there is an option to be in the form of text or pdf |
Reprints on Epson printers where the printed document does not match the selected document |
2.31 r235 |
Add a new category at the screen item master |
Add supplier in goods issue |
2.27 r231 |
19 March 2020
Check device information |
2.25 r229 |
12 March 2020
For new company registration, the phone becomes optional |
2.24 r228 |
10 March 2020
Improve registration process |
2.23 r227 |
5 March 2020
Screen Registration |
2.21 r225 |
2 March 2020
For new company registration, without retyping Administrator User ID |
2.20 r224 |
26 February 2020
Inventory report for device below marshmallow |
Permission location when customer change coordinate |
Add component list information from the product set in screen sales |
Menu release notes |
Introduction about iREAP POS for new device after login |
Share receipt in pdf format |
For registration of a new company, the application can fill in the address automatically based on the device's current location. |
2.19 r221 |
4 February 2020
Setting print tax per item sales |
Screen Sales mode landscape |
Login Screen, add validation |
2.18 r219 |
27 January 2020
Function to search for products in multiple stores or devices |
2.16 r216 |
14 January 2020
Better performance to filter Product and Customer |
Update registration |
2.13 r213 |
26 December 2019
Customer price list |
Scan barcode for landscape mode screen sales |
Better performance to show Product and Customer |
2.11 r211 |
11 December 2019
Fix bug product set related inventory transaction |
2.09 r209 |
11 November 2019
Fix bug sales return and decimal digit |
2.08 r208 |
4 November 2019
Filter report stock by item code and description |
Sales return, add line item by reference from previous sales |
Delete customer |
Fix bug quantity/amount decimal digit |
2.06 r206 |
9 October 2019
Open selling price on article |
Customer geolocation information, and customer for specific store |
Fix bug in sales when choose sales type wholesale |
2.05 r205 |
8 October 2019
Open selling price on article |
Customer geolocation information, and customer for specific store |
2.03 r203 |
27 September 2019
Fix transaction upload bug |
2.01 r201 |
23 September 2019
Improve transaction upload performance |
2.01 r200 |
18 September 2019
Faster sales list loading time |