Recommended for first time user iREAP POS
Basically in iREAP POS Pro can only assign one device for one store, but if in your case is one device is use for multiple user, then you can assign more than one user with different email account for a store. (One user can assign to multiple store).
You can add New User from your Administrator Device or from iREAP POS Pro Account Web (login with Administrator account)
How do The Team or Store Staff Record Attendance
How to Assign Web Admin Access Rights to iREAP POS Pro Users (User Management)
Here’s the steps:
Open browser and go to
Click Login iREAP POS Pro
Or you can login from
Enter your email address and password with your administrator account
Go to main page of your iREAP POS Pro
Go to menu Administration > User Management > Click New User
Detailed information about IREAP POS PRO user access rights, for each level Admin, Manager, Supervisor, Cashier
Now your New User is listed
Here’s the Steps:
Open your iREAP POS Pro in your Device with user account that have a role as Admin
Go to menu System Administration
Go to menu Manage Users
Register the New User by completing the data information
Click and tick the store assigned to related user and choose the role of user (Admin/Manager/Cashier) and click
, Now the new user is registered.
if you want to link another user device to a store because your employee Is quit / have a resignation or maybe your employee is have a rotation / mutation than you can simply change and switch it, by follow this steps:
iREAP POS : iREAP stand for Integrated Retail Application, is an application designed and developed to help you managed and run store operation, consists of Point of Sale / Cashier system and inventory control system.